Sunday, August 30, 2009

Bou Kheir double handled tennis racquet 'Handler'

Original Elie Bou Kheir 2-handle tennis racquet goes on eBay.

The racquet designed and made famous by this Lebanese David Cup player goes to auction on eBay in September.

Formal name is 'The Handler' but current owner, Brian Morris, calls it 'The Exocet Missile Launcher' because the balls leave tghe racquet face at such incredible speed.

One ball (mis-hit) embedded itself in the wire mesh fence surrounding the court.

Anyone interested in the amazing history of this double-handled tennis racquet should Google key words 'The Handler' 'Bou Kheir' 'Jeffrey Schechtman' 'Exocet Missile Launcher'.

1 comment:

  1. This amazing double-handled tennis racquet deserves a place in a sports museum. But where?
