Friday, July 3, 2009

Should you shake hands when you meet people?

Your handshake tells others a lot about you

Graduates Club Newsletter #242 Reproduced for educational purposes. With thanks to Graham Harvey

To shake or not to shake, that is the question.
HOW TO SHAKE is another good question.

Depending on the nature of your business, a well-intended, well-executed handshake can be the first step in the development of a successful long-term relationship.

First impressions are vitally important in the customer service relationship chain.I'm sure you have pleasant and not so pleasant memories of people you have met where you formed lasting opinions based on what happened in the first few moments of meeting them.

For some, you clearly recall the wincing pain shooting up your arm as the 'knuckle cruncher' was applied with ill-considered force. For others, it was the 'wet fish' limp excuse for a handshake that made your spine crawl. It is vital that your hand-shake is appropriate for the person whose hand you are shaking.

Variations need to be observed depending on the gender, age, nationality and combination of all three. It seems hard to believe, yet I've witnessed men shaking the hand of a frail old Asian woman with the same gusto as if they were greeting one of their drinking mates.

Also, as the world gets smaller through globalisation and our interactions with people from different countries and cultures becomes a regular part of everyday life, we need to be both aware and respectful of the customs of others.

In French business meetings, it is expected that you will shake the hand of everyone in the room and the handshake itself will tend to be light and quick.

The Chinese are somewhat reserved about any form of touching in public. However as they become influenced by more exposure to the West, the handshake is becoming more accepted as a form of greeting. Traditional Chinese still greet you with a modest bow or nod.

In South America, the Latins are very touch-oriented. Hugs, kisses on the cheek and pats on the back are an everyday occurrence.

Most hellos and goodbyes are accompanied by a warmly enthusiastic handshake.The traditional greeting in Japan is still a bow although most Japanese are fairly accommodating when it comes to shaking hands Western style.

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Overt public affection is still a big no-no for the Japanese. The Middle East is different again. As is England. As is Italy. As are different countries in Africa. Lesson: you can never do too much homework on understanding the etiquette of other cultures.

Another aspect of shaking hands has to do with the distance you stand away from the person whose hand you are shaking.

The English for example are probably the least kinesthetic people on earth, so the distance between you and the person you are greeting is at its max. In fact you'll probably have to bend at the waist to reach their extended hand.

Notice also how English men tend to place their left hand in the small of their back when shaking hands. My obtuse reasoning is that this instinctively occurs as a natural counterbalance to stop them toppling forward.

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In other cultures, like South America, the gap between people is almost nonexistent. Once again, to be accepted, do your homework.

So next time you go to extend your hand in greeting, take a moment to pause and consider the importance of the act you are about to engage in. You may be sealing a million-dollar relationship. Or it may mean instant removal from the next 'business after five’ invitation list. End.

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