I train new writers. They often ask me for a topic to write about. My answer is "Pick any two numbers between 1 and 1000. Check the two items on the list below. Combine them. Now write about that combination."
Here's the list >>>
1000 ideas to write about...
1. Keeping an affair secret
2. Laziness can be healthy
3. Flabby stomachs
4. The devil
5. Eavesdropping
6. Schoolchildren drinkers
7. Wasted government spending
8. Snobbery
9. Getting out of debt
10. Breast cancer
11. Death of a loved one
12. Miracles
13. Sexual fetishes
14. Diamonds
15. Snooping neighbours
16. The need for grandparents
17. Lesbianism
18. Black sheep of the family
19. Boredom
20. The vagina as a symbol
21. Know your blood group?
22. Cancer
23. What is old-fashioned?
24. Couples without children
25. Old-time shoe repairers
26. Backaches
27. Bosses & secretaries
28. Dog bites
29. Sex before marriage
30. Circles under the eyes
31. Legally changing your name
32. Excuses
33. Burping, belching, farting
34. Piano roll music
35. Primal screaming
36. Giggling uncontrollably
37. Overcoming a missing limb
38. Hypochondria
39. Contraception
40. Capping your teeth
41. Parents as "pals"
42. Shaving pubic hair
43. In Memoriam notices
44. The art of small talk
45. Keeping a diary
46. Non-achievers
47. Family secrets
48. Gourmet foods
49. The art of smiling
50. Erotic lingerie
51. The urge to kill
52. Weather and sexual moods
53. Being on a jury
54. Making an apology
55. Deep-seated hatreds
56. Exchanging homes as a holiday
57. Pins and needles
58. Finding lost relatives
59. Song-writing
60. How to borrow money
61. Warts & removing them
62. Suing somebody
63. Cowardice or prudence?
64. Being married 60 years
65. Mumbling
66. Open a Swiss bank account
67. Illustrated sex manuals
68. Popcorn - health food?
69. When a friend dies
70. Accepting the unchangeable
71. Facial deformities
72. Buying by mail order
73. Exhibitions that come to town
74. Caricatures
75. Down and out bums
76. Dandruff as a put-off
77. On your deathbed
78. Left-handedness
79. Oral sex
80. Bubble gum blowing
81. Massage parlours
82. Bigots in business suits
83. Dreams that come true
84. Pornography...is it destructive?
85. Cheesecake photographers
If you want to know how to capitalise on this list of story idea prompts, call Brian Morris on 00649 2741917. Ask for details about writing short stories, magazine features, or your first novel. www.nzibs.co.nz
86. Partner-swapping
87. Sex aids
88. Venereal disease
89. Human communication
90. Suddenly poor
91. Suddenly rich
92. Orgasms...what are they?
93. The urge to punish
94. Order of precedence
95. Brawling in public
96. Taxidermists
97. Double or single beds?
98. Migrating to another country
99. Hyperactive children
100. Sense of one's own worth
101. Immigrant workers
102. Practical jokes that backfire
103. Mothers who murder their children
104. Your husband's "mates"
105. Sexual impotence
106. Raking up the past
107. Write the 11th commandment
108. Sex change surgery
109. UFOs in our part of the world
110. Scientology - is it a threat?
111. Astrology & Nostradamus
112. Bait and switch advertising
113. Unneeded hospital beds
114. Uri Geller has weird powers
115. Food additives are dangerous?
116. The Kennedy/Onassis millions
117. Letting off steam in public
118. Psychic healing
119. Sophia Loren’s love life
120. Circuses without animals
121. Robert Redford environmentalist
122. Holidays which went all wrong
123. Television critics - are they fair?
124. Problems of adopted children
125. Economical cooking
126. Baldness can be a sexual come-on
127. Fake art reproductions
128. Lucky talisman
129. Locksmiths
130. Deafness - do rock bands cause it?
131. Marriage vows...are they outdated?
132. Couples who work together
133. Chalk, marble and talc = CaCO3
134. Alimony and palimony payments
135. Oddball antiques
136. Arthritis - how to prevent it
137. Weather forecasting
138. Broken homes
139. Baby pictures... ohh YUK
140. Comics as a teaching aid
141. Make-up for men
142. Buried treasure in NZ waters
143. Prisoners of conscience
144. Divorce is now fashionable
145. Your solutions to sex problems
146. Dinner using three ingredients
147. The best thing I ever said
148. My most embarrassing moment
149. Favourite family photos
150. Chance meeting a famous person
151. Happy thoughts for down moments
152. Miracles at Lourdes
153. Funerals as uplifting experiences
154. Physiognomy...face reading
155. A sweet tooth
156. Fine possessions
157. Dark secrets from your spouse
158. Hidden talents
159. Nice taxi drivers
160. A good memory has great value
161. Silly laws still in existence
162. Pollution costs us all
163. Homosexuality
164. How not to be a crime target
165. Mysticism
166. Donating your body to science
167. Haunted homes
168. False teeth
169. Homemade light planes
170. Staying attractive after 50
171. Children of the famous
172. Superstition
173. Does hard work pay?
174. Stealing from restaurants
175. Showing your age
176. Acting your age
177. Losing weight
178. Gaining weight
179. The case for pure water
180. Discount shopping
181. Having an annual medical
182. Making yourself happy
183. Loving your pet... too much?
184. Frank Sinatra
185. Honest citizens who smuggle
186. Hypnosis as a cure
187. Forgers of documents
188. Finding God in the city
189. Cancer of the sexual organs
190. Relaxation
191. Getting a doctor late at night
192. Bio-rhythm techniques
193. Being a kind person
194. Generosity can be catching
195. Mothers-in-law
196. Chance meetings
197. Re-incarnation
198. Sexual diseases
199. Princess Anne’s workload
200. Perfume makers
201. Rare coins
202. Furniture that falls apart
203. Taking the big OE trip
204. Being independent at 16
205. Blood pressure symptoms
206. Violence on television
207. Nervousness
208. When honesty isn’t the best policy
209. How you sit reveals personality
210. Skin care in our sunshine
211. The James Bond films
212. Cost of running appliances
213. Courage...what is it?
214. Hair tinting
215. Acupuncture
216. Magazine artists
217. Swearing & four-letter words
218. Recycling waste
219. Success...who achieves it?
220. Stopping smoking
221. Are your children on drugs?
222. I was shot once
223. Yawning can be good exercise
224. Illegitimacy
225. Falling in love
226. Cheating on your taxes
227. Happy marriages...do they exist?
228. Talkative telephone talkers
229. Trademarks
230. Theories on newborn babies
231. Why I love my country
232. Predictions that came true
233. Your sleeping position
234. Military wives
235. Young at heart
236. Where is Twiggy today?
237. Tattoos as an ethnic statement
238. Having different coloured eyes
239. Attempted suicide
240. Coping with rudeness
241. Heart attacks...what are they?
242. The miracle of prayer
243. Birthday parties for adults
244. Giving away everything except
245. Pain explained
246. Your car is your personality
247. Childhood memories
248. Indoor plants
249. Identical twins
250. Beauty secrets
251. Personal identification cards
252. What’s in your medicine case
253. Stinginess
254. Fear of death
255. Getting children to behave
256. Big families
257. Going to church regularly
258. Problems of being good-looking
259. French Foreign Legion
260. Is bald the new sexy look?
261. Feeling of helplessness
262. This person is dying...send $$
263. Chorus girls
264. Diet fads
265. Making your will
266. Prostitutes...where they work today
267. Hypocrisy
268. Children's accidents at home
269. Is Socialism dying
270. Good manners
271. Poker machines - and their odds
272. Life after death
273. Child bashing
274. Stage mothers
275. Kids kicked out of the home
276. Needless follow-up GP visits
277. Getting a face-life
278. Silicone injections in the breasts
279. Sex counselling
280. Parents censor kids’ reading?
281. Immunisation
282. Big dogs with little owners
283. Latent creativity in adults
284. Good honest fun
285. Curiosity - when is it unhealthy?
286. Suppressing anger
287. Older women love young men
288. Fear of the dark
289. Agoraphobia (fear of leaving home)
290. Following the family's career
291. Cheating in exams
292. Foot ailments
293. Cockroaches could survive nuclear war
294. Allergies in children
295. Hysterectomies
296. Surprise parties
297. New political parties
298. Does God exist?
299. Other people’s annoying habits
300. Rocking chairs are great places
301. Free legal aid
302. Cost of feeding pets
303. People with extra energy
304. Children who accidentally kill
305. Digestion troubles
306. Friendly wild birds in cities
307. Dead silence is restorative
308. Hard times are now
309. Safety deposit boxes
310. Mother's Day
311. Father's Day
312. Stealing from your employer
313. Tranquillisers
314. Television ad rip-offs
315. Bone surgery
316. Housework as art?
317. TV watching - any IQ link?
318. Bodybuilding - a sport?
319. Wacky hobbies
320. Self-indulgence
321. Being critical of your best friend
322. Gossip can kill a reputation
323. Alcoholism kept secret
324. Unnecessary blood transfusions
325. Haemophilia
326. Two wedding rings or one?
327. Big salary earners
328. Women drivers
329. Extra long engagements
330. Skilful driving techniques
331. Bugs Bunny the moralist
332. Buying off the rack
333. Obesity has its good points
334. Caring for sick children at home
335. High blood pressure
336. Candles are sexy
337. Justices of the Peace
338. A nice hot bath as treatment
339. Everyone likes me because ...
340. Unwelcome visitors to your home
341. Crocheting
342. Speaking your mind
343. Lung disease
344. Children's drawings of parents
345. Patriotism
346. Growing your hair long
347. Tracheotomies
348. Men with hairy bodies
349. Doing crosswords
350. Charity workers
351. Trial marriages
352. By-line journalists
353. Complaining effectively
354. What do muscle spasms tell us
355. Loan sharks - why they thrive
356. The mafia in Australasia
357. Distance learning
358. Diabetes
359. Hating your parents
360. Street pride - what it takes
361. Pets' names & your personality
362. Unusual greeting cards
363. Private detectives
364. Earning extra income at home
365. Poetry feeds the soul
366. Old photographs...send us one
367. Spotting bloopers on TV shows
368. Money saving tips
369. Your boss's strange quirks
370. Goofs by the Post Office
371. Budget-stretching tips
372. Funny things you see in shops
373. Why I love my pet
374. Why I like my best friend
375. Inaccurate billing by computers
376. Whatever happened to...(name)
377. My biggest gripe
378. Lookalikes of famous people
Each of these story ideas could earn you a writer's fee plus royalties for 50 years. Ask the Registrar for more details. NZIBS. www.nzibs.co.nz or www.ebookofknowledge.com
379. Places I love most in NZ
380. Memories of my mother
381. Speed reading
382. Housie Housie
383. Lace work
384. Haemorrhoids
385. Stuttering, can it be cured?
386. Self-control, easy steps to
387. Extra sensory perception ESP
388. Psoriasis
389. Tension and what it does to you
390. Self-portraits
391. People without electricity at home
392. Living in the country
393. Headaches - ancient farm remedies
394. Loneliness
395. Opinion poll taking
396. Kissing
397. Forgiveness
398. Keeping in shape
399. Husband gold-hunters
400. Mental depression
401. Amnesia
402. Haunting melodies
403. Terror
404. Unusual jobs
405. The Bible as history
406. Life of a farmer's wife
407. Being laid off
408. Map making
409. Spelling skills
410. The Average Australian
411. Life assurance
412. Microwave ovens
413. IBM’s Talking Typewriter
414. Chauffeurs to the famous
415. Proteins
416. Tales of personal courage
417. Unwanted children
418. Cheap land with strings attached
419. Giving imaginative gifts
420. Nervous breakdowns
421. Parking ticket stories
422. Milk that isn’t come from cows
423. Embarrassing photos
424. America's Cup races
425. The divorce rate
426. Kids who outsmart their parents
427. Undertakers - how to be one
428. Snake charmers
429. The City Coroner's job
430. Police dogs which win medals
431. Slaughtermen
432. Accident insurance
433. Injuries from acid
434. Hot air balloons
435. Girlie calendars
436. Hitchhikers
437. Are you a good spouse?
438. Remember shoeshine boys
439. Religious newspapers
440. Outdoor advertising posters
441. Market researchers
442. Show business promoters
443. Putting bubbles in champagne
444. Aerial advertising
445. Greengrocers talk about veges
446. Debt collectors
447. Paying attention
448. Coping with your own moods
449. Child support
450. Count your blessings
451. Aikido (and judo, karate)
452. The flying ambulance service
453. Quirks of fate
454. Chartering a plane
455. People fly poster overnight
456. Ballroom dancing
457. Ten pin bowling
458. Air conditioning - good or bad?
459. White slave trade...does it exist?
460. Sex in the movies
461. Slot machines
462. Retarded children self-sufficient
463. Knowing yourself
464. Taking risks in life
465. Fat slob married to thin person
466. Square dancing
467. Old wives' tales
468. Children's nightmares
469. Driving instructors' tales
470. Psychoanalysis
471. Boarding your pet
472. Boarding your jet
473. Telephone answering machines
474. Pest exterminators
475. Antique restorations
476. Are lady bowlers a gang?
477. Archery
478. The book reading habit
479. Creating lifestyles
480. Aqualung diving
481. Men's suspenders
482. Armed escorts
483. Your clothes tell your mood
484. Marrying someone like Mum or Dad
485. Animal keepers at the zoo
486. Powerful secret forces
487. Why sex sells magazines
488. Personal column advertisers
489. Art critics are failed artists
490. Needlework grandma made
491. Is bronchitis a killer disease?
492. Palm reading
493. Gigantic vegetables
494. Do you want a baby boy or girl?
495. Artificial eyes
496. Soldier settlers
497. Terminal illnesses
498. Artificial insemination humans
499. Danger points in a marriage
500. Cremation or burial?
501. Patent attorneys
502. Children in court
503. Champion blood donors
504. The art of the auctioneer
505. Rubber fetishists
506. Trophy and award makers
507. Child labour today
508. Timidity in bed
509. Nicknames that hurt people
510. Talking weighing machines
511. Baby health centres
512. Premature aging
513. Sleeplessness
514. Baby sitters...who? how much?
515. Muzak in factories
516. Is badminton really that gentle?
517. Handbags for men
518. Fishermen’s wives worry more
519. Air hostesses and air stewards
520. Ball gowns
521. Acne - can it be avoided
522. Christmas time stresses
523. Credit cards as temptation
524. Monday-itis
525. Football for little girls
526. Ballet for little boys
527. Merchant bankers
528. Complaints about banks
529. Hairdressing... uni-sex salons
530. Where are the barrel makers?
531. Fruit barrow vendors
532. Birth defects can affect your life
533. Faking sincerity
534. Zero population growth
535. Out-of-body experiences
536. Heroin addiction
537. Weird addictions (like sniffers)
538. Weather barometers
539. Basket weaving as physiotherapy
540. Knick-knacks for the bathroom
541. Do blondes have more fun?
542. Migraines and how to fix them
543. Sauna baths
544. Unusual umbrellas
545. Lost property found on trains
546. Extraordinary sized beds
547. Door chimes music
548. Job satisfaction beats money
549. Saying "no" to salespeople
550. Women who smoke a pipe
551. I love junk mail
552. Surgical footwear
553. Bicycle helmets
554. Bifocal glasses
555. Caged birds - is it fair?
556. Military mercenaries
557. What drowning people think about
558. Is Santa Claus out of date
559. Truth and consequences
560. Multiple births
561. Positive and negative attitudes
562. Non-violence as a political belief
563. Is a hearty breakfast necessary?
564. Are there any blacksmiths left?
565. Explosives experts
566. Champion board divers
567. Keeping a boarding house
568. Valuable old books
569. Boomerang throwers
570. Growing consumer movement
571. Widows and widowers clubs
572. Mobile telephones
573. Handmade boots
574. Respect for parents
575. Bad company leads to ...
576. How to study effectively
577. Assembly line workers
578. Boxing isn’t sport
579. How much you really owe?
580. Good brandy
581. Avoiding arguments
582. Re-adjusting your lifestyle
583. Nudity as the new fashion
584. Unthinking criticism
585. Amazing coincidences
586. Messages in bottles at sea
587. Learning to swim as an adult
If you learn how to be a journalist, you could earn a writer's fee and royalties from each idea here. Call the Registrar, NZIBS, 09, 2741917
588. Horse breakers
589. Potters have a great way of life
590. Playing bridge to win
591. Mortgage brokers
592. Teaching your dog tricks
593. Building demolishers
594. Your own 10 acre farm
595. Bushwalking
596. Thinking clearly
597. Shorthand champions
598. Kosher butchers
599. Wedding cake decorators
600. Legal loopholes
601. Weird weddings
602. Still in love at 90
603. Personal weaknesses
604. How romantic are you?
605. A zest for life
606. Economic security or marriage
607. Weatherproofing outdoor clothes
608. Re-cycling clothes
609. Marrying against parents' wishes
610. Loving without jealousy
611. Car clubs
612. Painting white lines on the road
613. Card tricks
614. Who does jobs no-one wants to do
615. Problem drinkers
616. Big swindles
617. Guidance in selecting a career
618. Home study courses...are they any good?
619. Disaster movies
620. Sideshow owners
621. Casting consultants
622. Adults with learning problems
623. Feeding your subconscious
624. Jockeys who grow too old
625. Ceramics in industry
626. My "big break" in life
627. Bondage fetishists
628. Charm school - who should go
629. Delights of rare cheeses
630. Family chemist
631. Bad breathing habits
632. Are there still chimney sweeps?
633. What's a chiropodist do?
634. Women wrestlers
635. Chiropractors
636. Unusual cigarette lighters
637. The concept of social credit
638. Amazing clocks & timepieces
639. Inflammable children's nightwear
640. Jeans are the universal clothing
641. Maternity wear that flatters
642. Neighbours fencing disputes
643. Valuable coins
644. Agony column writers
645. Impulsive buying habits
646. Unsuccessful transplants
647. Eczema and your diet
648. Pulse rates as health barometer
649. Breeding mice as pets
650. Vitamin C ... is over-rated?
651. Parlour games
652. How to use less electricity
653. Let’s ban child models
654. ‘An eye for an eye’ = Bible
655. Optimist and pessimist siblings
656. Gambling behind closed doors
657. Making a man of a boy
658. Artificial flowers & trees
659. Whistling in the dark
660. Deception in relationships
661. Femininity = be yourself
662. Masculinity - is out of fashion?
663. Drown-proofing babies
664. Bisexuality - how can you tell?
665. Day care centres earn their keep
666. Lie detector tests
667. Is your fate fixed?
668. Buying it wholesale
669. Regular exercise
670. Unlucky 13 stories
671. Dwarfs who do well
672. Sleeping pills are dangerous
673. Selecting civilian heroes
674. Coping with mental illness
675. Water divining rods
676. Fear of failure
677. Faking sexual pleasure
678. Betting systems
679. Home brewing beer
680. Amazing invention ideas
681. Courtesy ... is it dead?
682. The clinging vine syndrome
683. Yoga as a disease preventer
684. Fat legs can be a curse
685. The recluse
686. Self-pity ruins your future
687. Daydreams which came true
688. Problems of the elderly
689. Lowering school leaving age
690. Natural laxatives
691. Cold showers
692. Obtaining justice
693. College wallflowers
694. Valentine’s Day sentimentality
695. Dangerous swimming places
696. Is your spouse having an affair?
697. Dealing with credit-card debt
698. Violent enough to kill?
699. Blushing ruined my career
700. The army life for women
701. Beekeeping in the city
702. Crazes like hoolahoop
703. Teaching kids about money
704. Setting a family budget
705. Are cults a threat?
706. Painless childbirth
707. Do you have a soul?
708. Fibs that got out of hand
709. Rescue helicopter squads
710. Vending machines sell everything
711. The spending habit
712. The savings habit - when to start
713. Breast feeding or the bottle?
714. Inner calmness
715. How to cater for a weak bladder
716. Is Asthma on the increase
717. What having the tingles means
718. Preoccupation with death
719. Meditation or prayer
720. Famous people with mannerisms
721. Sex among the elderly
722. Looking her straight in the eye
723. Bankruptcy is not the end
724. How to tell if someone is lying
725. Over-protected children
726. Disparaging remarks
727. Sex among the handicapped
728. How to punish children
729. Unusual sexual positions
730. Thick-skinned people
731. Euthanasia
732. Yellow Pages has the answer
733. Caring for your teeth
734. Attraction of opposites
735. An unhappy childhood
736. Inflexibility among our leaders
737. What actually goes into salami
738. Expectant fathers tell their stories
739. Famous people who slept here
740. Where are your classmates now?
741. Could you lie to your child?
742. He-man pin-ups
743. Polio victims who bounce back
744. Bad grammar... does it really matter?
745. Taking that first drink
746. Miscarriages have long term effects
747. When big jets fly into little towns
748. First & last people in phone book
749. Phlebitis - does it matter?
750. Children with special talents
751. Do you tell the dying the truth?
752. Psychic phenomena
753. Can you get too much sleep
754. Being a good listener
755. Are young people ready for marriage
756. The strong silent type
757. Screaming and yelling at the kids
758. Your first sexual experience
759. Liquid diets v solid food
760. Quakers - religion or politics?
761. Greyhound dog trainers
762. Are you a bore? How to tell.
763. Lost dogs who return home
764. Favourite recipes
765. Neurotic tendencies
766. The Grey Power Party
767. Curing inflation
768. The Wayside Chapel
769. How to celebrate Valentine's Day
770. Vasectomies will be compulsory?
771. Which animals will be extinct next?
772. The love-lorn columnists
773. People who love walking
774. Disposables or traditional nappies?
775. Newspaper cartoonists
776. The midnight to dawn show people
777. Vigilantes who control small towns
778. Bikinis get skimpier and skimpier
If you have a feeling for words, learn to become a proofreader and editor. Call for details: NZIBS, 0064 9, 2741917. www.nzibs.co.nz
779. Snooker - will TV make it popular?
780. Crime does not pay...or does it?
781. Newspaper boys and girls
782. Unusual toilets in strange towns
783. Working dogs deserve best care
784. Passports reveal about us
785. World Recovery organisations
786. Children's toys on Boxing Day
787. Police women - how tough are they?
788. Our ever-so-humble-home
789. Rape victims who speak out
790. Censorship is unnecessary
791. The Council of Civil Liberties
792. Human endurance stories
793. Do we need a national anthem?
794. Cancer cures that mislead people
795. Pacifism as a way of life
796. Festival of Light
797. The day you forget your deodorant
798. Guinness Book of Records
799. Boring TV commercials
800. What happens in your camera
801. Private schools are elitist
802. When lost tribes are found
803. Ethnic newspapers
804. Art thefts in New Zealand
805. Buskers on the streets
806. Mushrooms as a health food
807. Vanished brand names in NZ
808. Prodigal sons who return
809. Truancy - how rife is it?
810. Stuntmen and stuntwomen
811. How to tap a phone
812. Newspaper and magazine editors
813. Harp players on earth
814. Debutantes are out of step
815. St John's Ambulance workers
816. Professional Women's Clubs
817. Mortgages and Landlords
818. A parent's role in education
819. Girl Guides who became famous
820. Boy Scouts who became famous
821. Live-in grandparents
822. School reunions
823. Remedial reading
824. Orchestra players are really gipsies?
825. Nostalgia
826. Don’t Lions Clubs do a great job
827. Battlers for minority rights
828. Designing women
829. Chook raffles in pubs
830. Ten ways to avoid burnout
831. The overnight train people
832. Graffiti - is it 20th century art
833. The show biz in shopping malls
834. How to bid at an auction
835. Rent or buy a home?
836. Intimate secrets & hairdressers
837. Make believe stories
We have a one page report on
Call for a free copy:
NZIBS, >>> registrar@nzibs.co.nz
838. Being very, very British
839. Wildflowers withstand bushfires
840. What ear lobes tell about you
841. There’s a sucker born every minute
842. Lay preachers
843. Brain tumours
844. Child magicians
845. Family ghosts still living at home
846. Ned Kelly - was he maligned
847. Pets that have saved lives
848. Script writers who write shows
849. Dracula in a business suit
850. Nightmares that came true
851. Stress situations
852. Anti-semitism
853. Trail-bikes and their riders
854. Children's television programmes
855. Graduation party got out of hand
856. Manslaughter or self-defence
857. Fathers present at a child's birth
858. Restoring cars is a lucrative hobby
859. How to avoid liver diseases
860. Having different sized feet
861. Organs - electronic v wind
862. Poor and happy... is it possible?
863. Learning foreign languages
864. Duty or drudgery?
865. Writing a book can be great fun
866. Tortured by a financial millstone
867. Handwriting analysis
868. Shame of parents on their children
869. Catholic divorces
870. University is waste of time?
871. Promotion by seniority or merit
872. Coffee addicts
873. Tea tasters have an interesting job
874. Protect yourself from muggers
875. Dental clues in crime
876. Remarrying the same spouse
877. Dick Tracy’s toys are today’s tools
878. Getting to sleep against noise
879. Dyslexia among famous people
880. Poems by the famous
881. Feats of great strength
882. Allergies and what causes them
883. Disguises that fooled the authorities
884. Concentration techniques
885. Moody people, living with
886. People who didn’t give up
887. Understanding weather reports
888. How to look younger
889. Perpetual motion
890. Who’s a mummy's boy?
891. Awful smells from factories
892. The will to live is strong, sometimes
893. Retirement homes easy to run
894. Buying a second-hand car
895. Black & white who people marry
896. Men who cry
897. Children's homework problems
898. People’s bones predict weather
899. Can plants commit suicide?
900. Sharpening the senses
901. Resentment causes disease
902. What your driving reveals
903. Unpleasant tasks at home
904. Complaints Department job
905. Miracles of new technology
906. Public speaking made easy
907. Children who wreck marriages
908. What we did before Sellotape
909. Child crime rate
910. Telling someone bad news
911. Police emergency phone service
912. Accidental shootings
913. Is civil war possible in NZ?
914. Kids who earn more than dad
915. Marathon runners
916. Fear of flying is very common
917. Owning a racehorse - pros and cons
918. Good looks can be a real handicap
919. Temperance & abstinence societies
920. Pain threshold in different people
921. Severe burns from cooking
922. Are second marriages more fun
923. Was Freud right?
924. Interest rates explained
925. Selling babies is a business
926. Child prodigies - encourage them
927. Asking for charity
928. Feeling alone in a crowd
929. Senility - can it be reversed?
930. Animals as actors in films
931. Men who wear braces not belts
932. Body language never lies
933. Autograph collectors
934. The power to pardon
935. Artificial kidney machines
936. When to argue with friends
937. Franchising in New Zealand
938. Faithful servants
939. Interpreters in NZ courts
940. Collections kept under beds
941. Unusual car horns
942. Who has a sawn-off shotgun
943. Sudden fame brings problems
944. Unusual bookshops
945. Celibacy is making a comeback
946. The first time you fell in love
947. Snoring can wreck a marriage
948. Laughter as medicine
949. Diseased gums & sweets
950. Dreams that came true
951. Art done by prisoners
952. Shoplifting is increasing
953. Accountants are not boring really
954. The male ego - how fragile is it?
955. Soap and skin problems
956. Unusual ways to avoid people
957. Home workshop inventors
958. Cheques that bounce
959. How do actors learn scripts?
960. Insurance investigators
961. People who hoard things
962. Quack cures
963. Your body's clock
964. The Ombudsman
965. Chinese food & nutritional value
966. We learn about sex from movies?
967. Etiquette - does it matter?
968. Oysters and sex
969. I'm in love with a convict
970. Teaching your baby to read
971. Face lifts - where to get one
972. Gardening by hydroponics
973. Staff who took over the company
974. Garbage collectors
975. Rates and land taxes
976. Farming frogs for their legs
977. Family crests
978. Coping with infidelity
979. Things that decrease in price
980. Faster-than-sound pilots
981. Tropical fish
982. Royalty and their hobbies
983. Business cards are important
984. Medical misadventures
985. Charging your kids board
986. Culture is wherever you find it
987. Backgammon - is it a snob game?
988. Streaking makes a comeback
989. Ex-convicts who do well
990. People who collect cactuses
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991. Newspaper photographers
992. Skeletons in the closet
993. Hunches that paid off
994. Weird betting systems
995. Theatrical costume hirers
996. Large-print books
997. What Monday absenteeism hides
998. Industrial spies are everywhere
999. Naming a child after a parent
1000 Things you find in pawnshops
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Monday, February 8, 2010
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